Ya Ghusnu Naqa

Ya Ghusnu Naqa a muwashshah on ¾ beat. Maqam Huzam. Taqsim on ‘oud by Ala Kallel. Ya Ghusna Naqa (Oh Pure Branch) O my beloved, O you, crowned with gold and pure beauty like the branch of a tree. If you have observed, it is men that are more playful and are often the...

Palestinian Medley

Palestinian Medley: Dal’ona, Ya Zarifa at-Tul and Jafra, featuring two debke dancers, Rana Mroue from Aswat and Muhammad Al-Shurafah from Al-Juthoor Dance Company. From the Aswat Ensemble 2009 Winter Concert Notwithstanding, cost of...

The Musical Instruments of ASWAT

The qanun (also spelled kanun, kanoon) is a 75-stringed zither used in Near Eastern Music. The sound box is trapezoidal in shape; it somewhat resembles the autoharp, but is larger. It’s played with small picks attached to the forefingers of either hand. A long...

Aswat Holiday Concert November 20th, 2004

ASWAT (Voices) the Bay Area Arab Community choir presents a Holiday concert: Music from the Hearts of Iraq and Palestine Saturday November 20, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. College Heights Church 1150 W Hillsdale Blvd San Mateo Tickets: $20.00 prepaid, $25.00 at the door As good...